Sunday, March 27, 2011


After I posted my rant, I went browsing Blogger. After a while, I found a blog... that was written by a very close friend of mine: Hakurei Ryuu. It was an RPG thing. I posted a comment on it (I thought I had my name on Anonymous, but apparently not?) and Valerie... got very defensive. I've never seen her act this way before. She asked me to change over to MSN after a few post exchanges. I've now spent the last hour or so trying to figure out what the hell I just agreed to... but it's now past one fucking am and I have work in the morning and I'm way too tired. In true "WHAT THE FUCK" style, I'm posting the convo here.

Hakurei says:
*THERE you are! msn giving you trouble or something? you took forever...

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*It's only been a few minutes.
What's going on?

Hakurei says:
*ack. just felt like forever, i guess. hell of a day.
*but yeah. i'd really like you to not read what i post on my blog. it's private.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*It IS on the internet, you know. I found your username, how was I to know it was off limits to me? Honestly, I didn't think there WERE such grounds between us.

Hakurei says:
*argh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it that way. i just never ONCE expected one of my friends to start up a blogspot account and... it just makes things unnecessarily complicated.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*....Yeah, I guess I'm guilty for that same thought... actually, I was surprised to see your username. But, really... I just don't get what the big secret is? I mean, yes, it's an RPG blog and I'm SORRY for posting on it. I should have known better than that cause I probably screwed up the believeablity of it...

Hakurei says:
*it's... fine. it's probably better if it's a little less believable, actually. just don't do it again. and set your blogspot profile to private. and... don't read my blog. or any of the ones to do with it. it's really not something you'd be interested in.
*i'm just working on it privately, is all. i've got a crapton of other projects, but this is something i can do without deadlines or whatever. i don't really want my regular life getting over into that story.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*I read through MorningStar's blog. That was funny as hell~ The whole coding thing was neat and you KNOW the insanity strikes a very good cord with me~ I actually AM interested in this. At least at the minute. Maybe I won't be later, who knows. How about I just stay off of yours?
*And, as for my profile, I want strangers to be able to find it. I need some sort of audience to creep out, right~? I just didn't want friends to find it. Gets... awkward.

Hakurei says:
*no. really. just... the whole thing, stay away from the whole idea. don't comment on them, don't read them. what you do with your own stuff isn't my business, i guess, but PLEASE just stay off all of this? plaese?
*i'm asking you as a friend. just don't get into this one. please.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*Hun, are you okay? And I mean SERIOUSLY okay. Don't try to lie to me. You know that doesn't work with me.
*Look, if it means that much to you, I'll stay off of it. All of it. One condition though: You stay off of MY blog. That was never meant for you to see, anyway...

Hakurei says:
*i'm fine. just... the kids at work were pretty rowdy yesterday, it tired me out something hard. but if you don't want me to see what you write, that's fine. don't think i don't UNDERSTAND, but it's fine if that's the way you want it.
*just stay off of this story. please.
*i wanna keep all of it completely separate.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*........If you say so, hun. It's a deal then.

Hakurei says:
*thanks. ^_^

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*You're welcome. Just don't overdo it, alright? Can't have you wearing yourself to the bone before I get down to visit you this summer~

Hakurei says:
*=D you kidding? your presence alone will put springs in my shoes! and believe me, i'd use a less lame metaphor if i wasn't so tired right now. XDD

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*That... just made my eye twitch. XD Damn straight though~ I look forward to the whole tour~

*Maybe you should head to bed then? I'll be going soon too. Work in the morning yada yada yada...

Hakurei says:
*probably. except dad suddenly got it into his head to bug me about laundry. friggingfraggityfragmumblegrumble.......
*i will do that, and then i will sleep.

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:
*LMAO ah, parents. They have impeccable timing, yes? Alright. I'm off too. Take care of yourself. Night~

Hakurei says:
*night! <3

+++Stein/Mitch+++ says:

And that was it.

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